Monday, July 8

The Rabbit Hole in Bridgetown opened its exhibition for the 20×20 winter initiative at the weekend, with guests and artists having the opportunity to enjoy the event together.

Throughout June, the art hub gave out free canvases to artists in the Blackwood Valley region and invited the community to create a piece about the coolest season of the year.

Now the winter-inspired submissions are on display and will be available for sale until the end of July.

Arts hub coordinator Marie Munn said they are lucky and extremely fortunate to have the artists donate their time for the benefit of the Rabbit Hole.

“The money we receive from the sales of the canvases will go towards improving the studio spaces and workshop facilities,” she said.

Bridgetown-Greenbushes shire president Jenny Mountford, who originally owned the Rabbit Hole, was invited to speak at the opening.

“I love this idea of the 20 by 20 because it makes it a level playing field,” she said.

“Everybody has the same parameters that they have to work within.”

Ms Mountford said she loves how young people and first timers have been involved too.

“That’s what the Rabbit Hole has always been about — encouraging people to be creative,” she said.

Amy Stewart is one of the artists and said her piece is inspired from an evening outside walking the dog.

“I saw an absolutely gorgeous sunset moment and thought, next time I pull out the paints, that’s the one I’ll do,” she said.

Ms Stewart saw the 20×20 Rabbit Hole initiative as an opportunity to paint the sunset, which left an impression on her.

As she endeavoured to paint the outdoors, she utilised pictures of sunsets and tree silhouettes to aid the final piece.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve painted anything, but I thought it’s a fundraising exhibition,” she said.

“It’s for a good cause and if I don’t do a good job, they’ll forgive me.”

Within moments of the exhibition opening, a guest purchased her artwork.

Ms Stewart said it was a confidence booster and uplifting.

“Someone was kind enough to purchase my piece,” she said.

“I didn’t honestly think it would happen – it’s the first time I’ve sold a painting.”

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